Wessex Businesses

We have the right industries to support adventurers.

Industry Business Name Owner Products Location
Monastery Wessex Monastery Raibeart Church services West Gate
Cattle Barn Wessex Cattle Barn Thornton Housing animals North Gate
Stables Wessex Stables Mìcheal Housing horses East Gate
Warehouse Wessex Store House Màiri Storing grain, straw, and other items. South Gate
Well Well Tomi Access to clean drinking water. Town Center
Blacksmith Wessex Iron Smiths Iwan Nails, plowshares, swords, hammers, shovels, & hoes. North Ward
Manor House Wessex Town Hall Cadell Pay taxes, home of the great Mayor Palin Town Center
Shoemaker Leatherworkers'R'Us Madlen Shoes and boots. South Ward
Butcher Roadkill Cafe Augusta Meats Villager Ward
Bookseller Pen & Quill Gwenyth Paper scrolls, books, quills, and ink. South Ward
Carpenter Wessex Rockers Seth Chairs and tables. Villager Ward
Apiary Pure Milk and Honey Elijah Honey and meade. South Ward