Angular Movie Search
This is a simple Angular app that can search and retrieve data from an MongoDB.

ASP.Net Account Creation
A website that contains 2 pages: User Account Creation and Account Creation Congratulatory and that uses ASP.Net Validation Controls.

ASP.Net Book Manager
A website that contains two pages: A data-grid view of a books database and a page to edit and add publisher information.
Bootstrap Demonstration
The City of Wessex
This was just a fun experience messing with Bootstrap the first time. Note: is using Bootstrap with some CSS.

Date Validator
This program provides a function for determining if a date given by the user is a valid date and provides the Julian date, the date number of the year.

Zork-like Game - Ascendance
This was a project to utilize all the skills learned in C++ such as classes, inheritance, and pointers to create a game that required a player to travel through multiple rooms to achieve a victory condition.

Fitbit Weather Watch Face
This was a joint project to create a FitBit watch face that utilizing weather API to update the color of the time based on the temperature and the background based on current weather conditions.

Random Lottery Numbers
This program provides a random numbers for the three major lotto programs in South Carolina: Lucky 4 Life, MegaMillions, and PowerBall.

Miles Per Gallon Calculator
This provides a simple interface to calculate Miles Per Gallon.

Android TotalGym Workout Tracker
This program was an effort to create a TotalGym workout tracker using vendor information and forumulas to calculate total weight lifted based on board angle/level.

PHP Project
This program is a webpage that operates a session cookie with user login to add, update, and delete product and vendor information. This was a class project that was the accumulation of knowledge from PHP and MySQL.

PHP Project
This program is a webpage that connects PHP to a MongoDB that tracks departments and provides a user the ability to add, delete, edit, or display the documents in a collection

Word Games App
This was a project to join create an iOS game using Swift/X-Code.

Belt Runner
This game allows the user to move left/right/up/down to avoid and shoot asteroids in a spin off of typical asteroid shooters.
Visual Basic
Computer Lab Countdown
This program when launched begins a countdown from 1-hour and when complete will expand to fill the screen and stay on top to notify the student that they have complete one-hour. There are resets available, that will set the clock to two- or three-hour countdown clocks as well.

Mail Order Program
A project that allows the user to input an item name, quantity desired, weight, price and “ship to” state (a 2 letter state abbreviation). All input is to be from textboxes-you are not allowed to use any type of list control for State. The project will calculate the total amount due For Each order.